Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Potassium Issues

I went for my pre-op testing and over to see my surgeon because I felt a lump on my right breast and was a bit paranoid. The lump turned out to be fatty tissue--he used a sonogram machine to check it out.

I also asked him, if the lymph nodes are positive for cancer, can he put the port in for chemo at the time of surgery (a suggestion from my sister-in-law). Although he has never done this before, he thinks it's quite a good idea and is letting the ER know that he may need an extra half hours time. Again, this depends on the lymph nodes. IF they are negative at the time of surgery, then no port will be placed until after I find out the complete results (if there is microscopic cancer cells in the nodes) It takes about 3 days after surgery to find out the results.

My bloodwork from pre-op came back low on potassium--this is typical of me. It's always at 3.2--they like it to be 3.6 or higher. So I need to double up my potassium intake (from 20MEQ to 40MEQ) over the next couple of days and then have a repeat blood test on Thursday afternoon. Since I take HCTZ (hydroclorothiazide) it depletes my potassim. Without the HCTZ, my hands, feet, and ankles swell. UGH.

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